Customer Testimonials

We have been with Northern Telecom for about 3 years now, I can honestly say that their service is second to none, nothing is too much trouble, when you need help they are onto it straight away. I cannot speak more highly of this company.

Select Vehicle LeasingVehicle Leasing Company

We had our phone system transfer over to a hosted system at our two sites. Every step of the way we were informed what would happen and how the transfer would take place. Any concerns were addressed and the transfer was seamless.

Arrowdene LimitedRemovals and Storage

These guys are just incredible. Our taxi dispatch system provider told us we were having essential maintenance with expected downtime of one hour. Working collaboratively with our IVR partner, Redroute, and Northern Telecom, we had ZERO downtime.

Star Cars and CoachesTaxi and Transport Business